Текст песни Sam De Nef - Untitled

Оригинальный текст песни Untitled

Forsaken and lonely
Your beauty revealed from the smoke
Yearning for something to taste, something to hold
It's me who has spoken to you in your sleep
Drunken tales of love and mischief
When our lips met on the counter
You bought into talking
A poem to you are words for a bargain
Dogs that are merely good for their barking
But see me for the man that I am
I'll do anything but fear a broken heart
You will do anything but break it
Still I am afraid
I dream upon waking
I wander while sleeping
If we will part It will be for a reason

Альбом Lonely Day, Crowded Year

Sam De Nef - Lonely Day, Crowded Year

Дата релиза: 05.03.2021

Официальный музыкальный альбом группы "Sam De Nef"