Текст песни SeeYouSpaceCowboy - Respite For A Tragic Tale

Оригинальный текст песни Respite For A Tragic Tale

A fruitful resolution was just a tease
For this city will drop us all to our knees
With every sense caressed by destructive beauty
We've yet to drop the curtain on this dear city

Our name should be in lights
Gruesome nature of the night
The wardrobe: now blood red from white
Empty bottle and all that surely follows,
Last call's sorrows
The curtain dawns, to reveal the carnage
For all to see, now our headline writes itself
Screams from the foyer, the sirens near
Isn't it lovely?
Light now fades
Coup de grâce

Альбом Coup De Grâce

SeeYouSpaceCowboy - Coup De Grâce

Дата релиза: 19.04.2024

Официальный музыкальный альбом группы "SeeYouSpaceCowboy"