Текст песни White Stones - Chain Of Command

Оригинальный текст песни Chain Of Command

Dig your grave
Print your wound
Figure out your wage
For a meaningless life
Assume your role
Burst your anger
Hold in the pit
Stairs down to the abyss

Figure out your destiny
For your mistreated pride
Assume your fall
Bury your wishes
Hold in the pit
Pay for all your sins

Chains of command
Muddy hordes of pawns
Laughs of the kings
Pouring their lava
Shaking the spheres of despair

God's laws on our prayers
Crawling on our dignity
Like sewer rats
Sighing for a place in hell

Dig your grave
Print your wound
Figure out your wage
For a meaningless life
Assume your role
Burst your anger
Hold in the pit
Stairs down to the abyss

Chains of command
Muddy hordes of pawns
Laughs of the kings
Pouring their lava
Shaking the spheres of despair

God's laws on our prayers
Crawling on our dignity
Like sewer rats
Sighing for a place in hell

Альбом Dancing Into Oblivion

White Stones - Dancing Into Oblivion

Дата релиза: 27.08.2021

Официальный музыкальный альбом группы "White Stones"