1. Intro
2. Dirty Freddy (A Nightmare on Elm Street)
3. Xeno Queen (Alien)
4. Furious Max (Mad Max)
5. Crystal Lake Rave (Friday the 13th)
6. The Coffin Rock Witch (The Blair Witch Project)
7. Chucky's Rap (Child's Play)
8. Gremlins in the System (Gremlins)
9. BoomStick (Evil Dead)
10. Hot Like Carrie (Carrie)
11. Pinheadbanger (Hellraiser)
12. Esther (Orphan)
13. Predator Dance (Predator)
14. Captain Spaulding's Smile (House of 1000 Corpses)
15. In the House - In a Heartbeat (28 Days Later)
16. Outro