Текст песни Alpha Wolf - 60cm of Steel

Оригинальный текст песни 60cm of Steel

Enter the blood-soaked proscenium arch
Witness the sickness
Tear me apart

Take your seats, bare your teeth

Rip the skeletons from my closet and create an effigy
Twist together the oddments and soak them in kerosene

A room full of daggers cuts through me
But I don't mind the look of blood on the menuki
60cm of steel in the stomach
I hate myself and you fucking love it

Grip that tsuka don't stop spilling my guts
Seppuku, Hollow point word vomit go du du

I’ve lost, I’ve lost
A consciousness I can’t recover
I’m low, so low
Is this what you want?

My twisted fate kicked the doors in
And I’m stretched across my coffin
Spilling ink into the wound dehiscence
The blood thins, the plot thickens

Drop the curtain
Sever the thoughts from the act

The crowd sits silent and still
Beckoning a violent will
Each cut shallow as a breath
Life imitates art, art imitates death

Альбом The Lost & The Longing

Alpha Wolf / Holding Absence - The Lost & The Longing

Дата релиза: 15.08.2022

Официальный музыкальный альбом группы "Alpha Wolf"