Текст песни Capra - Red Guillotine

Оригинальный текст песни Red Guillotine

I’m bad at being a woman because I won’t want to listen to lack of conviction
And now I’m a bitch because I don’t like it when you stare
We say, “They can’t help it. The average man is a lecher”
And because of their weakness it’s my job to surrender?
Can’t leave my house alone if darkness has started to fall
They’re not in controls of their bodies and somehow that’s my fault
I don’t care if you hate it, your views are outdated
I’ve lived a life hardened by suspicion
Too careful when I make my decisions
The world has sided with the wolves
Because the lambs look too delicious
I’m not helpless, not made for consumption
I’m on the verge of eruption
You try to tell us who to trust, but when we get hurt you always blame us
Why? Why do you do that?
You tell us we’re the ones in charge, be sweet, be nice, but don’t go too far
And you should be okay
You want us to submit, but don’t lead you on, but don’t be a bitch, and smile and wink,
Just don’t drink, or you might get assaulted
And you know they’ll say it’s your fault / go against everything you were taught
No one cares anymore
Years of warnings gone to waste so an asshole could get a taste
And he’s the one we exalt
We won’t be wronged anymore / We know what we’re fighting for
So you can hate and you can ridicule
It won’t mean a thing / Next to the pain we’ve endured, the words are no more than a sting
We’re calloused and bruised
Got nothing to lose

Альбом In Transmission

Capra - In Transmission

Дата релиза: 23.04.2021

Официальный музыкальный альбом группы "Capra"
