Текст песни Centennial - Distraction

Оригинальный текст песни Distraction

Uncertain measures
Abandoned pleasures
They tell us what we should feel

I've tried to refuse but I'm suffering on the inside
Those dark corners of my mind have kept me quiet forever


Lost in a world full of bright colors
Just disguised to hide the black and white
Lost in a world full of bright colors
Just disguised to hide the black and white

I can feel the hands of time piercing my thoughts
They say the seconds are artificially man made

But the way they speak to me and tell me what to do
Feels more real than most
But the way they speak to me and tell me what to do
Feels more real than most

We owe it
We will never get them back

Альбом Death Blooms

Centennial - Death Blooms

Дата релиза: 05.03.2021

Официальный музыкальный альбом группы "Centennial"