Текст песни Face To Face - Blanked Out

Оригинальный текст песни Blanked Out

So, tell me where we go from here?
and is it better to be full of fear
than to be hateful?
I don't know
Is there something better out there?
I thought that I'd remember
What you said to me
What you said to me
I swear I can't remember
What you said to me
What you said to me
I tried to reach you
but I think you've blanked me out
So, tell me what I want to hear
Pull up a chair and bend my ear
I'll hang on every syllable
There's nothing better out there
I thought that I'd remember
What you said to me
What you said to me
I swear I can't remember
What you said to me
What you said to me
It might be too late
feels like you've blanked me out
I tried to reach you
but I think you've blanked me out

Альбом No Way Out But Through

Face To Face - No Way Out But Through

Дата релиза: 10.09.2021

Официальный музыкальный альбом группы "Face to Face"