Текст песни Genocide Pact - Perverse Dominion

Оригинальный текст песни Perverse Dominion

Led like rodents through an endless maze
Repetitive torture endless days
Tasked with to plunder your soul
They paved a path for you follow
Still, it leads to the gallows
Silent whips crack like thunder
In the burning sun you suffer under
Forced to maintain and uphold
The existence of their perverse dominion
Forced to revert to primitive times
Living with a muzzle in your mind
Like sheep looking upward waiting to be fed
Rotting from the inside as contagion spreads

Альбом Genocide Pact

Genocide Pact - Genocide Pact

Дата релиза: 03.12.2021

Официальный музыкальный альбом группы "Genocide Pact"