Текст песни Oceanator - Bad Brain Daze

Оригинальный текст песни Bad Brain Daze

There’s a fog on the horizon
I can’t see but i feel it comin’ on
Drops like a bomb
When i try to think now
It’s like there’s so many thoughts i can’t even pull one out just one big cloud
Another bad brain day
Will i be okay?
Trying not to dwell too much and just get along with the day
Another bad brain day
I can’t seem to shake
The feeling it’ll always be this way
I’ll never be okay
When i try to breathe now
It’s like my lungs are full of something i can’t get out breath comes shallow
When i try to sleep now
I think of every stupid thing i’ve ever done or said they fill my head
Go to bed and start again tomorrow

Альбом Nothing's Ever Fine

Oceanator - Nothing's Ever Fine

Дата релиза: 08.04.2022

Официальный музыкальный альбом группы "Oceanator"