Текст песни Pixies - Vault of Heaven

Оригинальный текст песни Vault of Heaven

there in the vault of heaven
while trying to titrate
I ended up in another case
I went to 7 - 11
to try and get me straight
I ended up there in outer space
there in the vault of heaven
trying to titrate
I ended up in some dire straits
and that's OK
again to 711
'cause I think they're pretty great
I ended up here flat on my face
here in the vault of heaven
just trying to keep me straight
but I ended up still in outer space
here in the vault of heaven
trying to titrate
I ended up in some dire straits
but that's ok

Альбом Doggerel

Pixies - Doggerel

Дата релиза: 30.09.2022

Официальный музыкальный альбом группы "Pixies"
