Текст песни Prince Daddy & The Hyena - Curly Q

Оригинальный текст песни Curly Q

Someone will make you bleed
You've never heard a scream so loud
And from your own damn mouth
Worlds crumble pretty quick
But you won't go down with it, I'm sure
Not with a heart like yours!

And just so you know,
you will be within ugly’s reach
And the sun will explode
And yll be burning underneath
You’ll find out when your old
That family counts as company
Because the odds are likely
Yll burn without me

Someone will make you bleed
You've never heard a scream so loud
And from your own damn mouth
Worlds crumble pretty quick
But you won't go down with it, I'm sure
Not with a heart like yours!

Life sprouts up like a leaf
Eyes glisten from the greens and blues
Drift towards the royal hues
They called you “Curly Q”
They said i looked like you