Текст песни Robledo - Wanted Man

Оригинальный текст песни Wanted Man

If there's a point in time
When justice can't be granted
Be the voice out of the line
If spirits can't go high
And thunders cannot roar
Run faster never ask why
Ride to the distance across the land
Spread the message of hope
Be the wanted man
Across the mountains over the seas
Let your voice be heard
You're the wanted man
Don't let your sails be furled
Search for the strongest wind
To the corners of the world
Don't let anybody fool you
Don't listen to their words
Nobody will ever catch you
Ride to the distance across the land
Spread the message of hope
Be the wanted man
Across the mountains over the seas
Let your voice be heard
You're the wanted man

Альбом Wanted Man

Robledo - Wanted Man

Дата релиза: 17.09.2021

Официальный музыкальный альбом группы "Robledo"