Текст песни Swallow The Sun - Enemy

Оригинальный текст песни Enemy

I crawl back to my shadow
From the edge of the light
Deep down into the sea of my own rain sirens
In the eye of the

Enemy, inside of me
Torn from a trail of light
Grail of serpents lies
Enemy inside of me
No redemption in sight
In this tomb of light

I spread like a wildfire
From the coal of your heart
The ember that lights
The pyre of your eyes
Will the dark side of your heart
Make amends with the light?
With horns on my crown
On hallowed ground
Am I my own?

Enemy, inside of me
Torn from a trail of light
Grail of serpents lies

And I, breathe the silence of the night
While the earth sleeps on its flight
And I, I'm seeing the ghosts in the light
Where are you now when I need you?

And I, feel the loved behind the lines
Where are you now? Oh, how I need you

Enemy, inside of me
No redemption in sight
In this tomb of light

Torn from a trail of light
Grail of serpents lies


Альбом Moonflowers

Swallow The Sun - Moonflowers

Дата релиза: 19.11.2021

Официальный музыкальный альбом группы "Swallow The Sun"


Swallow The Sun

Swallow The Sun - знаменитая финская группа, исполняющая музыку в жанре дэт-дум-метал. Swallow The Sun начали свой с 2000-го года и радуют своих слушателей новыми треками по сей день.
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