Текст песни Xordia - Paint The Walls

Оригинальный текст песни Paint The Walls

Open up the case, it‘s no longer protected
Tell me what you find on the inside
Take your piece of the game, don't reject it
Take up your space
The color will be your guide
It's up to you, you have to decide
If white is your choice you should be ready
Paint starts spreading at you slow and steady
No matter what you choose
Black ain't gonna lose this time

Paint the walls, paint them black
There's no going back, no going back tonight
Wipe the white away and out of sight
There's no going back tonight

In a tidal wave, white walls are going under
Broken shards of silence still on their tongue
Accompanied by a groan like rolling thunder
White is collapsing, bursting and going down
When your song is fading away
The black flag on the back of your car‘s still waving
With a smug smile, you’ll be celebrating
No matter what you choose
Black ain't gonna lose this time

Paint the walls, paint them black
There's no going back, no going back tonight
Wipe the white away and out of sight
There is no going back tonight

Альбом Neolux

Xordia - Neolux

Дата релиза: 05.06.2020

Официальный музыкальный альбом группы "Xordia"
